From a Birth Parent Client in the DCFS Program:
Before reading this story, please note there is a trigger warning regarding sexual assault. Identifying information about other individuals in this story has also been removed to maintain confidentiality. This story has been shortened for formatting purposes.
“I was raped by someone I thought I knew. He was a “friend of a friend”. I didn’t even know his name. …I was giving birth to a daughter. I had just had a daughter…and I had no education other than high school. I was forced to make the hardest decision I had ever made. So I gave my daughter up for adoption. Praying she would have a better life than I could give her.
Right after that, I enrolled in [a nursing program]. I graduated with honors. I made the Dean’s list with my grades being straight As! I was so proud. Thinking at that moment I can support the daughter I have now. Being a single parent is a really hard thing to do. Life’s struggles will get even harder for me.
In July…I met my “soul mate”. They say everyone has one. She was 20 and I was 28. Our hearts just clicked We were inseparable. When you saw one, you saw the other one. We did everything together. Even planned a baby. She had a [child]…and now we were two single parents, raising 2 children.
Now, [years later] we have a total of 8 grandchildren! That’s not including any children my adoptive daughter [birth daughter] may have. I am not sure about that yet. I am still working on getting to know her.
So now here I am. Without your help Laura, I would never found her. I gave up looking in 2011, after the phone call from you, I was really thinking I’ve lost my one and only chance and I blew it. Turns out I didn’t blow it. I made a great friend and help in Laura! Without you I wouldn’t have found [my birth daughter]. For that I am eternally grateful. Thank you!
If anyone is considering looking for any adoptive relative, this is the place. No need to look further. You won’t find any place with the kindness, sympathy, helpful patient guidance…do I really need to keep going on? No! This is the only place to put your faith and trust in.
In closing, Laura, thank God for you. I am so thankful for you, your staff, the people that you work for. You are all al blessing. I only hope that our relationship will grow with time.”